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Bookings F.A.Q. 



How do I select a certain staff?
After you have selected your service session and clicked on "Book It" button, use the "All Staff" drop down menu on top of the calendar to select you staff.


How do I know if I have completed my booking correctly?

If you have done it correctly, you should receive the confirmation email within 24 hours of booking. Please reach out to us right away if you still do not get the email after 24 hours.


How do I reschedule or cancel my booked appointment?

You must have an account in order to reschedule or cancel your scheduled appointment. For mobile device, from the menu bar, choose log-in button to log-in or sign-up. After you have logged in, click on your username then choose "My Bookings" from the choose an option from the drop-down menu from the bottom of your mobile device. There should be list of your scheduled appointments to cancel/reschedule.  For a computer, the log-in button is located on the upper right hand corner of the page. 


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